The official Consultation Report published in July 2016 revealed that the route is strongly supported. 72% of respondents strongly support the need to invest, and only 15% strongly oppose. The Council has improved the designs in response to feedback from hundreds of respondents. We are delighted with the results for Roseburn. The Council has answered the key concerns whilst preserving the principles that will make the route a success.
Concerns have been addressed
The Report acknowledges some significant concerns raised through the consultation process and via petitions. The revised designs addresses these concerns, as explained in the Councils "You Said — We Did" document.
- Impact on Business due to loss of loading bays. The revised Option A will see loading retained on both sides of Roseburn Terrace. Loading is also restored on Haymarket Terrace.
- Increase in traffic congestion in rush hour due to a loss of roadway to the cycle route. Eastbound traffic currently tails back at the rush hour because of a queue forming to turn right into Roseburn St. The revised Option A provides an extended 60m right turn lane with no loading at peaks times (peak loading is swapped to the S side) — better than the status quo for reducing congestion.
- Loss of Pedestrian Safety due to Floating Bus Stop. The Council's new Option A has done away with any need for a floating bus stop on Roseburn Terrace by moving the stop slightly westwards.
- The Cycling Officer have answered dozens of other points of feedback in great detail in their 43 page document.
Map cutting from Council Preliminary Design (Copyright Atkins Limited) included in the report to the Transport and Environment Committee.
Two options at Roseburn
The report to the Transport and Environment Committee contains two alternatives at Roseburn. Our comments and map above are based on Option A, which is our preferred option. See our comparison.
Benefits for all
With the revised design, the Cycle Route brings benefits to all members of our community.
- Businesses: extra custom from passing cyclists; area more attractive for shoppers; majority of parking and loading now retained.
- Pedestrians: new pedestrian crossings; safer crossing of side roads; safer residential streets with blocked rat run; reduced sharing with bikes.
- Motorists: improved junction capacity at Roseburn Terrace; each bike on the path is one less vehicle on the road.
- Cyclists: segregated direct routes forecast to bring a substantial increase in cycling; links up key destinations and fills gaps in existing network; safer cycling with health benefits.
- Everyone: reduced pollution.
The die-hard opponents of the route are still campaigning against, but the Report shows there is widespread support that a Route is needed. Now that the most common criticisms have been answered, it seems likely that many of those who originally signed the petition against the route would see the updated design as a sensible compromise.