Vote with your bike...

Council Elections

With the City Council elections just around the corner, now is the time to quiz our candidates on what they will do for cycling if elected. The full lists of candidates are now available. Murrayfield Community Council will hold a hustings at 7pm on 25 April 2017 at 7pm at the Murrayfield Parish Church Hall and we encourage our members to go along to this event.

This article has some great suggestions for what you can do to help in the run up to the election, whether you have just 30 seconds or a whole day to spare. Don't forget to mention the City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL) specifically.

Pedal on Parliament 22nd April

Please join us as we 'Pedal on Parliament' on 22nd April. This is another fantastic opportunity for showing our candidates how much we care about active travel. Why not bring your friends along to the West Edinburgh feeder ride - an opportunity for a social ride in to get to The Meadows in time for the main event. We meet at 10:50 at the cricket hut in Roseburm Park ready to head off at 11:00.