Cycle Route approved

We have a lot to celebrate:

  • The Ride-the-Route event was a huge success with nearly 200 cyclists joining to support the Cycle Route.
  • The Council have given approval for our City's East-West Cycle Route, with all political parties voting in support.
  • Work will start immediately to secure further funding and to make preparations to commence the necessary statutory processes for the scheme.  Lesley Hinds, the Transport Convener has confirmed that the timetable is unchanged: final design decisions by the end of year.
  • There will be a further attempt to gain consensus and the best design possible with a stakeholder working group.

The Council deferred some detailed design decisions — in particular the controversial Roseburn Terrace option A versus option B.  Some campaigners are criticising this as a fudge.  We feel that it's worth taking the time to embark on this transformational project with consensus rather than coercion.

This new stakeholder group will allow all interested parties to get round the table and thrash out the remaining issues, listening to each other's points of view and - hopefully - arriving at a conclusion which the majority are happy with so that the final route design can be agreed.

— Lesley Hinds, Transport Convener

We've made it clear on our site from the start: our claims are based on evidence and we're keen to listen to any other evidence for and against.  Read more: our analysis; Spokes detailed article; blog by Sustrans.